(Hoi An, Vietnam)
So I am now in the central region of Vietnam…just miles away from the once official border between “North and South”….it is wonderful to be here at last….I have only tried to imagine what it must have felt like for these people to be have been trapped between their own countrymen, living innocently in a war torn border, just a little over 30 years ago…
I have seen remnants of barracks, airplane hangars , and the occasional army jeep along the barren highways to this now tourist-laden region…but nothing more…just smiles , kind gestures from shop owners, peace signs from the children, and yes, the occasional ‘war souvenir stand’ stocked with camouflaged hats and T-shirts---
I have always found it a bit strange how a war can intrigue and entice people to buy war memorabilia- I respect this intrigue but personally have no interest in this type of souvenir. The stories , pictures and people I have read, seen, and met here have forever changed and deepened my insight of this country….no war memorabilia could ever replace this for me…
This city of Hoi An personifies charm..there are sections of the city where only walkers and bicycles are allowed...there are small narrow coobled stone streets filled with dozens of cafes and art galleries....and plenty of historical museums and homes to satiate any tourist's appetitie...the chinese influence here is also very apparent and a reminder to me of how close I now am to the Chinese border..

I have nicknamed Hoi Anthe “city of lights” as when the sun goes down here, hundreds of latterns scattered throughout this entire city all turn on- all at once, or so it seems…It is an amazing transformation..- like being in a field of fireflies, with lights sparkling in every color of the rainbow that suddenly surround you with every corner you turn….and it is quiet ..so one can really be still and watch and just taken in this amazing feast for the eyes….

I have also been amazed how I have seen just constant coastline of amazing beaches all along the eastern coast of Vietnam…I have now traveled about 1200km up the coast and there has not been a spot yet where I have not seen long stretches of wide white sandy beaches..it is a Vietnam I believe few people know about..but I do believe this is going to quickly change as I do see and feel very clear signs that Vietnam is going to be a huge contender in the tourist market in the very near future..it is both exciting and a bit sad for me to see this..I want to see these people flourish economically yet I am always abit saddened to see so much of our earth’s pristine environment be once again pillaged by cranes and drills and replaced with barren concrete structures…..alas, this is what we call “progress”…and there doesn’t seem to be much stopping of it…

But once again, I am thankful to be here when I am…to be able to see so much beauty from both the environment and its people….I will be forever grateful for the kindness I have been shown and for the insights that I have been shared. Communism is now not such a scary word or concept for me …. for communism and the people who follow this form of governing are not the ‘enemy’…; it is only what people do with power-any sort of power- that is actually dangerous and is what we should really fear…

For people are people......everywhere….all one has to do is look into the eyes of a smiling child or into the peaceful face of a resting man or woman and be reminded of this all too important fact.

and with these encounters of smiling faces comes the sincere and fervent hope of a tomorrow full of tolerance, understanding, and peace.

This is my hope. This is my dream...