So it is my last day overseas...for now..
I am here in Bangkok, looking out at an amazing city filled with skyscrapers, temples, pink and yellow taxis, streetside padthai stands, and every culture, race, and creed walking on its street...it is a friendly 'wake-up call' to me for the transition that lies ahead ....

ah, the urban way...I am glad I am not fighting this sudden immersion into city life...

For I know what lies ahead of me is the western world, filled with all its many excesses and consumer-filled and fear-based messages ...I smile now thinking about this as I find it almost surreal now when I come home and turn on the TV, watching the news again, filled with so many horrendous shots of violence, sadness, economic woes...it is always such a shock to me to be suddenly bombarded with so many messages...it makes me so keenly aware of how the psyches of so many people are influenced by this constant babble and noise...

but this is the world we live in...and I am not fighting it anymore...awareness is key...and it certainly inspires me to bring this topic into discussion more often with both my freinds and students...
I am also learning more and more that really the best we can all do on a daily basis is to continue to become the best possible person we can be; to be tolerant, kind and compassionate in our own lives.....

the ripple effect is profound...

I have lived a very peaceful , idyllic life now for 2 1/2 months and I feel quite calm right now- I am not as easily rattled by the randomness of sounds and sights around me..it is a calm I always try to maintain for as long as possible when I get home...I find this is truly one of the greatest gifts I can give myself when I travel...this inner calm is priceless and I will be very protective of it in the next few months..

And yes, my life in a bamboo bungalow by the sea has filled my soul, once again, with peace, quiet, and rejuvenating energy. It allows me to come home now with fresh ideas, new excitement, a few clever insights, and more love and energy to give to all those around me, ...I am ever so grateful for this gift and thank all those around me who have supported me along the way, allowing "me" to be "me", never questioning, always encouraging...

thank you , from the bottom of my heart...