Made it at last to Bangkok......the quietest 15 hour flight I have ever taken.....lots to be said for the Chinese (flew China Air) and what they will be sharing with us in the upcoming summer Olympics...they are efficient , without a doubt....the only airline I have received my own pair of slippers, and I was flying coach....
It has been a wonderful first 24 hours...had a great Thai massage first thing this morning to get all the aches and pains out of my body from the long flight....a great gift to myself...was holding out for a week for this 8 dollar treat !....
I was again reminded of why I so much wanted to come back here...Everyone smiles and greets you as if you are their best friend...A small Thai girl even blew a kiss at me today as I walked past her....these people are amazingly connected to spirit....there are offerings everywhere...I was blessed to witness a group of bank employees this morning lighting incense outside their building making offerings of thanks to Buddha before they started their work day....They do this EVERY DAY...a lot can be learned from this act of thankfulness....
Got my Thai cellphone today !! You can now call me if you want !! 011-66-9-513-9702.........Feels nice to have a local number now......Call anytime...I will call back if you want...
had a nice dinner with my freind Helen Berger tonite- her husband james is a theater friend of mine back in Honolulu..She is a former Miss Thailand (and a Mrs Hawaii 2002) so she is sort of a celebrity here.....she has a great job-lots of great work comes with her fame ......and I will be riding with her this Saturday with another friend to an orphanage in Pattaya to make a visit and play with the children there...more on this to follow....I know it will be a most powerful experience...
No pictures yet as I have avoided looking like a tourist today...will post some in the next couple of days....
Just wanted to let you know I am fine and thinking of you all...
warm hugs....
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