Friday, February 10, 2006

Beauty Queens, Blossoms, and Burma...

teenagers advertising Nescafe coffee on a main thoroughfare during morning rush hour traffic....

I am still here in Chiang Mai, enjoying my time assimulating with the local people, and enjoying a nice schedule of work, rest, and sight-seeing to the border of Burma....Instead of lots of words, however, I will share you my week in pictures.....hope you are all well...

A Buddhist monk doing his daily stroll...

sunset on the way home from the Burmese border

a Thai woman keeping the steps of a sacred temple ("doi") clean...

a flower float in Chiang Mai's annual flower festival....comparable to the U.S.' Rose Bowl Parade.

It was HUGE and every float was made entirely of flowers- beautiful to see up close.

Buddha on the Burmese Border....

Beauty Queens of Chiang Mai...

my rooftop companion....

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