So after 7 weeks of living a near perfect lifestyle here, I am packing my bags for Bali and saying good bye to Ko Lanta… for now..

My last day here was spent riding on my beloved motorbike up and down this most amazing 30 km coastline, dotted with some of the most spectacular beaches and scenery I have ever scene anywhere in my lifelong journey around this planet. I intentionally took my camera for this ride, wanting to try and capture what I have been seeing now for the past few weeks.

( the local gas station- a most welcome spot when you are low on gas- one learns to spot these plastic orange bottles from a great distance ! a full tank costs about 2 US $ ! )
I was very conscious of every corner I turned today, every beautiful moment I saw from my ride. I have taken this ride probably close to 50-60 times in just the past year alone but I am always amazed how every time I ride this coastline, it feels like it is for the first time. I always have a smile on my face-, my spirit soars,… the sense of beauty and freedom is overwhelming…

From passing the many temples and hearing the hauntingly beautiful calls to worship throughout the day…

To seeing all the many fanciful beachside bars and bungalows, all decorated with lanterns, “fairy lights”, fire dancers, and the friendly local people….

I am always at a loss for words to the beauty that constantly unfolds before me here…

Tonight, I gathered friends for a small farewell party and was once again reminded how wonderful it is to have a history with people when you travel..it is great to feel friendships deepen and strengthen over time..this is the one of the greatest benefits of actually staying in one place for awhile- you are not a tourist, but a more of a transplanted local.- who lives off the beaten path, eats the local foods, laughs and plays with the neighborhood kids, and gets caught up on the all the neighborhood gossip..

this need to spend quality time with friends has been a big priority for me this time around…I just didn’t want to be “another smiling face” that just pops in for a few weeks every year ; I wanted people to get to know me as much I as wanted to connect and deepen my connection with them…I feel this mission has been accomplished…I am happy for this.

(Tew, my bungalow manager, and me right before I left..we have become good freinds over the years now...)
There is also the amazing joy of always meeting new friends when you are on the road..the kind of friends you just know will be lifelong connections…it is that instant “aha” feeling you have when you have a first conversation- the bond is instant.- the friendship, a lifelong journey to be shared…

So I leave Lanta tomorrow, fully satisfied for all the quality time I have given myself and to others here…I am incredibly grateful , as always, for the amount of quiet time I have had to think, reflect, write, walk, swim, work-out, sing, dance, draw, listen and play music, and basically rejuvenate a spirit that often gets a bit tired , stressed and emptied when I am in the throes of working hard back home…

(my bungalow, my home for 7 weeks- )
So to Ko Lanta, I deeply bow to you…my respect and reverence to you is a lifelong affair I will never tire of….you wrap me up gently in your arms as only a most compassionate and caring mother would…letting me weep when I needed to, letting me laugh when the urge surfaced, and most importantly, allowing and encouraging me to always live my life as authentically as I have always dreamt was possible.

For this, I will be forever indebted…

Khop Khun Mak Ka….
Thank you, very much…

Love these posts, Melina! What a beautiful location with beautiful people. Can't wait to hear about your experiences in Bali...
I feel like I am there with you, you are such an inspiration to me. All these years, you have always been so present in my heart, you really influenced me. It took years for to finally come back around to myself after I left Hawaii, and here you still are, so beautiful, so warm, complete LOVE. That's how you show up in my world.
I love you,
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