No matter what the backdrop, your mind follows you…you can run and you can hide, but sooner or later you have to meet your mind, make peace with its thoughts, realize it has mostly old chatter that has fueled your ego for years, and then try to do everything in your power to just let it all go...

So never doubt for a moment, that just because I am living this seemingly idyllic life, that, I, too don’t sometimes have a sad day, a blue day, a day with a bit of irritation, confusion, no energy to be strong, to be wise, to give…my mind is still playing games with me, too..

For we are all human beings afterall, and have all been given life lessons to work on , whether we are living peacefully in Fiji or fighting commuter traffic in Frankfurt… the lessons will always surface…until we finally learn them , let go what we need to , and move on…

“It's not that we're human beings trying to have a spiritual experience, but rather we're spiritual beings having a human experience.”
I remind myself of this every day…

Here’s to our "humanness" and to being an ever-expanding presence on this most excellent adventure...

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